GBP reaches 28M safe man-hours
Global Business Power Corporation (GBP) recently achieved a total of 28 Million safe man-hours without lost time incident (LTI) through the consolidated milestones of its subsidiaries Cebu Energy Development Corporation (CEDC), Toledo Power Co. (TPC), Panay Energy Development Corporation (PEDC) and Panay Power Corporation (PPC). GBP’s Cebu Site attained fifteen million safe man-hours while its Panay Site accomplished thirteen million safe man-hours.
The independent power producer’s safety management program encourages everyone in upholding safety and health consciousness in their day-to-day tasks without sacrificing the quality of workmanship.
“GBP’s 28 Million safe man-hours milestone equates to the consolidated efforts of our people in maintaining a safe workplace. We are very proud of what CEDC, TPC, PEDC, and PPC have collectively achieved despite the challenging year it has been. We place a high level of importance in creating a positive safety culture for it is key in performing our duty to provide reliable power supply,” said GBP President Jaime T. Azurin.
GBP’s Cebu and Panay Sites are all ISO 45001: 2018 certified, the first and only international standard for occupational health and safety management.
As a reflection of GBP’s strong health and safety culture, PEDC was recognized for its exemplary health and wellness program during the 3rd ASEAN Red Ribbon for Outstanding Workplace (ARROW) Awards last November 2020. PEDC was among the national nominees selected by the Occupational Safety and Health Center of the Department of Labor and Employment for the prestigious distinction.
As the threat of COVID-19 heightened, precautionary safety measures and information campaigns were immediately put in place by the power generation company to protect the well-being of its people.